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I wanted my book’ Treasure at the Train Station’, to draw children to build heritage, because you can’t care for something you don’t love, and you won’t love it until you know it. Joeanna Rebello


From an accidental journalist to an accidental author’….’ Is how Joeanna Rebello Fernandez traces her career.

She had wanted to be a copywriter, but ended up as a features writer instead - which, she says, was probably for the best, given her natural inclination to exceed the given word limit.


Having written features for the Times of India for almost 13 years, she wrote on everything from prisoners pursuing MBAs to Hindu priests applying for jobs in American temples. She then decided to give book publishing a shot. That’s how she joined Eicher Goodearth, where she got the opportunity to write her first children’s book.  

Her adventure story had the Victoria Terminus as its setting, not surprising as Joeanne had worked for years at the Times of India office just across it. Her mornings are now spent writing, editing and discussing the new podcast she just heard. Evenings are spent “ferrying” her twins to their sundry classes while her weekends are totally reserved for discovering Delhi. In her heart of hearts, however, she will always remain a Mumbai girl.


Joeanna Rebello

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