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I like writing books that are deeply Indian, have strong and unique female characters that are negotiating life in fun filled, brave and smart ways. Books are such a powerful tool to turn children into progressive adults that it would be such a waste to write about things I don't strongly believe in Neha Singh


Neha Singh is an actor, writer, director and producer. She has her own theatre company, Rahi, and has written six books for children. In 2016, she was chosen as “one of 100 most influential women in the world" by BBC.

Neha has authored six books for children. She also writes poetry and prose in Hindi for children's magazines "Pluto", "Cycle" and "Chakmak". Neha is a theatre practitioner. She loves acting, singing, dancing, writing, directing and producing plays, especially those for children. She tries to bring to stage rare and unheard stories of women, dalits, and other minorities. She also spearheads a women's rights campaign in Mumbai called "Why loiter?" that aims at reclaiming public spaces for women. For her work she was chosen as "one of hundred most inspiring women in the world" by BBC in 2016. When she is not loitering on the streets, she is happy at home with her two cats."



Awards and Honours:

Nominated for "Neev children's book award 2019", "Peekabook Children's Book Award 2018", Commendation recieved from The South Asia Book Awards, USA in 2018. All for her book "I need to pee".