I read somewhere that reading increases your vocabulary by 50%, lowers stress by 68% (100% in my case!) and lengthens your life by 2 year. Incredible, right? But that’s NOT why I read. I read books simply because they transport me (free of cost) to different lands/ worlds/ time zones without having to move an inch …call me lazy if you want! Priya Narayanan
Priya Narayanan writes for both ‘child-adults’ and ‘adult children’. She likes to travel solo, read and steal chocolates that her kids so carefully hide (or so they think!) in all corners of the fridge.
Priya Narayanan loves both surprising and being surprised. A designer, writer, traveler, teacher and mother …not necessarily in that order, she clearly believes in variety being the spice of life. While she runs her own design practice under the twin banners TATVA and SOMA, Priya is also Professor at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, her alma mater, and a published poet and author.
A quote that she read long back - ‘The universe is made of stories… not atoms' - inspires her to constantly seek out stories -real or imagined- and bring them to light. She is enamored by the fact that every one of us is a bundle of stories -walking and talking and doing all the things we do, but stories nevertheless.
While Priya's poems and short stories have appeared in various online and print anthologies as well as literary magazines, she has three children’s books under her belt and two forthcoming titles. Her latest book, the romantic thriller - Altitudinis: seekers, sinners & secrets, is a one-of-its-kind collaborative effort with ten authors contributing to create a single novel.
Traveling solo and reading everything that comes her way are her favorite modes of de-stressing.
Blog: www.thecrookedpencil.wordpress.com
Website: www.priyanarayanan.com
Awards and Honours:
Winner of the Peek-a-book Children's Choice Award for the 7-8 yrs category in 2018