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How and Why Tales

Geeta Ramanujam (Author) , Shruti Hemani (Illustrator)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : June 2024
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9780143459934
  • Imprint : Puffin
  • Age Group : Young Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Magical Stories

Why do nightingales sing at night?How did the Moon get its craters?Why did the Great Bear become a constellation?Do you ...


Why do nightingales sing at night?
How did the Moon get its craters?
Why did the Great Bear become a constellation?

Do you ever wonder about these questions? If you find yourself intrigued by the universe, then this book of folk tales is for you!

Delight in these richly illustrated stories as you explore the magical mysteries of nature and traverse distant lands, such as the Pamir Knot, the Ottoman Empire in Turkey and the icy expanse of Greenland.

Author : Geeta Ramanujam


Illustrator : Shruti Hemani


Translator :