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Jabari Tries

Gaia Cornwall (Author) , Gaia Cornwall (Illustrator)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : October 2021
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9781406399844
  • Imprint : Walker Books
  • Age Group : Baby & Toddler
  • Language : English
Genre : Picture Books

Jabari is inventing a machine that will fly all the way across the yard! But making it go from CRASH to WHOOSH will take ...


Jabari is inventing a machine that will fly all the way across the yard! But making it go from CRASH to WHOOSH will take grit, patience, and maybe even a little help from his sister.

Jabari is making a flying machine in his backyard! “It’ll be easy. I don’t need any help,” he declares. But it doesn’t work! Jabari is frustrated. Good thing Dad is there for a pep talk and his little sister, Nika, is there to assist, fairy wings and all. With the endearing father-child dynamic of Jabari Jumps and engaging mixed-media illustrations, Gaia Cornwall’s tale shows that through perseverance and flexibility, an inventive thought can become a brilliant reality.

Author : Gaia Cornwall


Illustrator : Gaia Cornwall


Translator :

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