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Our Library - Parag Honour List - 2024

Raviraj Shetty (Author) , Deepa Balsavar (Illustrator)
  • Publisher : Pratham Books
  • Publishing year : November -0001
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9789354673252
  • Imprint : Pratham Books
  • Age Group : Baby & Toddler
  • Language : English
Genre : Picture Books

Awards: Parag Honour List 2024

Do you like cars, and dinosaurs, and reading about them? Do you have questions and ideas? Do you like to be read to? Or ...


Do you like cars, and dinosaurs, and reading about them? Do you have questions and ideas? Do you like to be read to? Or do you like to read alone in a quiet corner? Come in, welcome to our library!

Author : Raviraj Shetty


Illustrator : Deepa Balsavar

Deepa Balsavar writes and illustrates books for children. For many years she has also been involved in developing educational material and training programmes. She is deeply interested in how children react to words and illustrations and hopes to take children a little further than the written word and the illustrated image.

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