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Pippi Longstocking

Astrid Lindgren (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : July 2013
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9780142427521
  • Imprint : Puffin
  • Age Group : Young Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Classics

Tommy and Annika have a new neighbor: red-haired, freckle-faced Pippi Longstocking, who has upside-down braids and no pa ...


Tommy and Annika have a new neighbor: red-haired, freckle-faced Pippi Longstocking, who has upside-down braids and no parents to tell her what to do. The three children have the most rollicking adventures on their own, with horses and monkeys, the circus, and more!

Author : Astrid Lindgren


Illustrator :
Translator :

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