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Remember Me As Yours

  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : June 2024
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9780143467526
  • Imprint : Penguin Books
  • Age Group : Young Adult
  • Language : English
Genre : Humorous/Funny   |   Romance/Relationship

Nityami Thakur hails from Bhopal and only has a simple request from life: that she get a man who loves her as unconditio ...


Nityami Thakur hails from Bhopal and only has a simple request from life: that she get a man who loves her as unconditionally and loyally as she would. But her pursuit of this simple wish has landed her on a journey where every man she meets only punctures her confidence, convincing her that perhaps she is not good for anybody. Sick and tired of window-shopping for Mr Right, Nityami gets to know that her first love from school is somewhere in Sikkim. And that he has recently broken up. With renewed hope and the desire to take a break from her messy present, Nityami decides to take a road trip to Sikkim.

Author : Novoneel Chakraborty


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