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The Adventures of Sirdar : The Chief of the Herd

  • Publisher : Speaking Tiger
  • Publishing year : May 2023
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9789354475023
  • Imprint : Talking Cub
  • Age Group : Young Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Adventure

Sirdar is a majestic young elephant who is the chief of his herd. The elephants are free and fearless—their only e ...


Sirdar is a majestic young elephant who is the chief of his herd. The elephants are free and fearless—their only enemy is man, who will hunt them for their ivory or just for the joy of killing. Sirdar saves his herd from many dangers— floods, fires, hunters’ traps and more. He is as noble as he is brave, a true leader who looks out for the weakest of creatures. Till one day, he has to face a great test of his leadership, when his family and his herd will be in the gravest of dangers. Will Sirdar be able to save all those who look up to him for guidance?

Author : Dhan Gopal Mukherji


Illustrator :
Translator :

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