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The Enchanted Castle

E. Nesbit (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : July 2024
  • Binding : Hardback
  • ISBN : 9789815162400
  • Imprint : Penguin Classics
  • Age Group : Young Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Adventure   |   Classics

‘If you are lucky enough to be different, don’t you ever change…’ Jerry, Jimmy, and Cathy are ...


‘If you are lucky enough to be different, don’t you ever change…’

Jerry, Jimmy, and Cathy are three siblings out on a big adventure. While exploring, they stumble upon a mysterious castle with a beautiful princess asleep in the garden.

The princess shows them a secret room fi lled with treasure where they discover a magical ring, telling them that castle is full of magic. But they don’t believe her. The princess keeps scaring them with the potential of the magic, until the magic ring actually turns her invisible.

Author : E. Nesbit


Illustrator :
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