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The Hidden Hindu Book 1

Akshat Gupta (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : January 2021
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9780143455691
  • Imprint : Ebury Press
  • Age Group : Adult
  • Language : English
Genre : Mythology

Prithvi, a twenty-one-year-old, is searching for a mysterious middle-aged aghori (Shiva devotee), Om Shastri, who was tr ...


Prithvi, a twenty-one-year-old, is searching for a mysterious middle-aged aghori (Shiva devotee), Om Shastri, who was traced more than 200 years ago before he was captured and transported to a high-tech facility on an isolated Indian island. When the aghori was drugged and hypnotized for interrogation by a team of specialists, he claimed to have witnessed all four yugas (the epochs in Hinduism) and even participated in both Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Author : Akshat Gupta


Illustrator :
Translator :

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