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The Monster At The Window

Meghaa Gupta (Author) , Soumya Menon (Illustrator)
  • Publisher : Tulika Publishers
  • Publishing year : August 2024
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9788197715181
  • Imprint : Tulika Books
  • Age Group : Baby & Toddler
  • Language : English
Genre : Picture Books

There is a BIG monster that only Montu can see, that shows up whenever he’s angry or sad, and makes him even more ...


There is a BIG monster that only Montu can see, that shows up whenever he’s angry or sad, and makes him even more angry, even more sad. One day, when he hurts his leg and is stuck at home, he starts to draw. He draws the window, the tree outside and… the monster! But as he keeps drawing, the monster gets smaller and smaller. What’s happening? Pictures and text gently tell this story of a boy who learns to deal with his inner demons, illustrating how art can heal.

Author : Meghaa Gupta

Meghaa Gupta’s tryst with environmentalism began in 2013, when she was commissioned to compile a book on environmental courses and careers for students in India. From passionate teachers and students to eminent professionals, the journey exposed her to the fascinating work being done in this field. Her writing has also appeared in TerraGreenCareers360 and The Hindu and she has contributed to WWF-India’s One Planet Academy. She is deeply interested in exploring how young people relate to the natural world and has conducted a series of workshops with school and college students in association with WWF-India. Meghaa works in children’s publishing and this is her third book.

Illustrator : Soumya Menon

Soumya Menon is an animation filmmaker and illustrator trained at National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. She likes to travel and try her hand at other occupations like painting walls. Her work for Pratham Books includes 'I want that one!', 'Ammu's Puppy', 'The Boink Mystery', and 'Reeti and Mithu'.

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