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The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley

Sean Lusk (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : June 0022
  • Binding : Hardback
  • ISBN : 9780857528056
  • Imprint : Transworld
  • Age Group : Adult
  • Language : English
  • Number of Pages : 368 Pages
Genre : Historical Fiction   |   Science Fiction

In 1754, renowned maker of clocks and automata Abel Cloudesley must raise his new-born son Zachary when his wife dies in ...


In 1754, renowned maker of clocks and automata Abel Cloudesley must raise his new-born son Zachary when his wife dies in childbirth. Growing up amongst the cogs and springs of his father's workshop, Zachary is intensely curious, ferociously intelligent, unwittingly funny and always honest - perhaps too honest.

Author : Sean Lusk

Illustrator :
Translator :

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