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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Jules Verne (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Publishing year : July 2024
  • Binding : Hardback
  • ISBN : 9789815162844
  • Imprint : Penguin Classics
  • Age Group : Young Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Classics   |   Science Fiction

‘The sea is everything…Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, ...


‘The sea is everything…Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides.’

Fascinated with the wonders of the sea, Professor Pierre Aronnax, a marine biologist, along with his loyal servant Conseil and the harpooner Ned Land, embarks on an expedition to search for a sea monster.

Their missions lead them to discover a technologically advanced submarine called the Nautilus, commanded by the enigmatic Captain Nemo.

Author : Jules Verne


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