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Why is My Hair Curly?

Lakshmi Iyer (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Random House
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9789389648119
  • Imprint : Red Panda
  • Age Group : Young Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Adventure

Avantika brushes and brushes, but there’s no keeping her curly hair down. How she wished her hair was straight and ...


Avantika brushes and brushes, but there’s no keeping her curly hair down. How she wished her hair was straight and smooth like Amma’s and Appa’s and her brother Avnish’s. Their parents had adopted the two of them when she was three-and-a-half years old and Avnish a six-month-old baby. Avantika often wonders if their birth mother had curly hair.

There are so many questions in her head, the school year has started with hair-raising troubles and Amma is busy at work. Avantika finds a confidante in the mysterious paati she meets in the park.

Why Is My Hair Curly by Lakshmi Iyer is a delightful celebration of curly hair and the courage it takes to be yourself. Interspersed with exquisite black-and-white illustrations by Niloufer Wadia, this chapter book explores genetics, family dynamics and adoption identity through a light-hearted and sunny tale.

Author : Lakshmi Iyer

Lakshmi Iyer is a banking professional in her day job. She slaves over her writing at night when her children are in bed.

An MBA graduate from LeBow College of Business and an alumna of the Yale Writer’s Workshop, she writes creative non-fiction primarily, on her personal website She hopes to publish a memoir of her adoption journey some day.

When Lakshmi is not working or writing, she enjoys cooking and watching random food videos on YouTube.

She lives with her husband and her three daughters (two adopted and one biological) near Philadelphia, in the US.

Illustrator :
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