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I feel that reading enriches the hearts and minds of children making them stronger persons. It nourishes their imagination, which is a great support system to survive in this world. Reading also develops a child's understanding of human nature and ways of the world, and makes them sensitive and compassionate human beings Vagmi Raghava


Vagmi Raghava is an animator, illustrator and filmmaker who specialises in stop-motion and clay animation. Some illustration styles that she experiments with are hand-drawn, digital, mixed-media and clay illustration.

Vagmi Raghava has worked as an illustrator and animator for about seven years.

Her illustration styles include hand drawn/painted, digital and clay-model illustrations. 

She currently works as a Cinematographer and filmmaker. 

She thinks of art as her way of emotional expression, whether her paintings, or her films.




Awards and Honours:


Books by Vagmi Raghava